Junafilm GmbH
Behringstraße 16b
22765 Hamburg
Tel: +49 (0)40 3990 65 67
Fax: +49 (0)40 3990 65 66
E-Mail: info[at] junafilm [de]


Junafilm is one of the partner companies of the ‚Get on Set‘ trainee program of the MOIN Film Fund Hamburg Schleswig Holstein and the Hamburg Media School, which aims to prepare career changers for various professions in the film industry. Applications can be submitted at the official website.

Regardless of whether we are currently advertising a position or not we always like to hear from you – send us your CV and a short cover letter!

Project Submissions:

Unfortunately Junafilm is currently not able to read and respond to unsolicited project submissions. Once we are open for new submissions again will will update our website and social media channels.

Verena Gräfe-Höft
Eingetragen beim
Amtsgericht Hamburg
HRB 121536